Details of projects we’ve funded
Details of projects we’ve funded
Every year, we support charities and projects across the London Borough of Harrow.
Addressing Health Inequalities Fund
The fund aims to identify, tackle and address health inequalities – Health inequalities are unfair and avoidable differences in health across the population, and between different groups within society. These include how long people are likely to live, the health conditions they may experience and the care that is available to them.
Continue provision of ‘Warm Hub’ at Grange Farm community centre. Build on work re-engagement i.e. continue to connect residents to health services, information, support and provide activities to improve mental health. To develop similar services at Pinner Grove as there will be a base to use there from May
We will provide 12 sessions of social and physical activities including gentle exercises and chair yoga, games that are appropriate for the age group, followed by singing of bhajans accompanied by musicians and a hot vegetarian lunch.
We will provide disabled people, with a particular focus on those with autism and/ or learning difficulties, with accessible health information, and healthy cooking, exercise and nature walking sessions which incorporate non-threatening socialisation. We will also identify barriers to health service provision access.
Our project will address the underlying causes of prevalent long term conditions in our African community with particular focus on clinical priorities such as diabetes , mental health and hypertension. To achieve this, we will design our programmes to ensure we engage our communities, gather intelligence, and create opportunities for health professionals to engage with our residents.
Our year programme will focus on overcoming mental health disparities through a community champions and outreach programme. It meets the health inequalities agenda of identifying, tackling and addressing health inequalities through a sustainable population health approach which reaches Romanian communities who do not routinely access mainstream services or engage in co-production efforts.
Harrow Vaccine Confidence & Uptake Fund
The priority for this funding is targeted approaches for residents least likely to have been Vaccinated and include activities which engage in a creative, informative and/or educational way.
We will talk to people who visit our warm bank, yoga and our legal service, explain the benefits of vaccination, and encourage them to get vaccinated. WE WILL TALK TO PEOPLE
An efficient, inclusive and dedicated community-based health outreach service aimed at actively engaging with specific Harrow communities who are disproportionately disadvantaged and are at greater risk of poorer health outcomes as a result of vaccine hesitancy by improving confidence, identifying issues and promoting good practice around vaccine safety and uptake.
Under the banner of LIVE WELL AGE WELL, we will:
Deliver ZOOM presentations and Webinars to combat vaccine myths
Call-Out and organise Health walks inviting isolated and elderly residents and share simple engaging messages with them
Conduct outreach sessions on the high street, shopping centre, churches, grocery
shops, barbering shops and hair salons distributing vaccine uptake messaging leaflets
Create and share simple video messages on social media platforms and at HYCA Warm Hub
This will fund 3 x one off events, training for volunteers for the helpline and for staff providing 1:1 support and warm hubs and with our people Advice and information on our websiteand through leaflets.
We already have regular links with the Family Liaison Officers based at the 4 specials schools in Harrow. We will arrange to visit their coffee mornings/open evenings with an opportunity to speak to parents directly to explore vaccine hesitancy amongst the unvaccinated and distribute our Harrow Vaccine Awareness newsletter.
We shall engage residents through Zoom \Google meet workshops and monthly presentations. Volunteers will communicate by telephone calls, WhatsApp messaging and leaflet distributing face to face at centres/ workshops / service centres/ café
Key Documents:
Harrow Warm Hubs Fund
Funding for organisations running warm hubs during winter.
Their warm hub is providing:Snacks, Social Activities, Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal, Social Activities, Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal and Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Hot Meals, Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal and Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal and Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks,Social Activities, Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing: A Safe Place for single homeless people
Their warm hub is providing: Hot Meals & Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Hot Meals, Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks and a Hot Meal
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal, Social Activities and Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing:Snacks, Social Activities, Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks and a Hot Meal
Their warm hub is providing: Digital Inclusion and Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal, Social Activities and Physical Activities
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Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal, Social Activities and Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Cultural Talks and Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal, Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks and a Hot Meal
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks,Social Activities, Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal and Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Hot Meals & Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Physical Activities
Harrow Community Fund
Funding for projects and services supporting Harrow residents with a focus on projects that reduce isolation. Funding has come from Edward Harvist Trust, Harrow Giving Supporters and Harrow Wins Supporters.
We intend to run Dressmaking /Craft/ recycling old cloths/alteration Classes for the disadvantaged, house bound and vulnerable adults aged 18yrs to 70+years as a social /educative lifestyle skill activity to facilitate peer support and help reduce loneliness, Isolation and enable some participants to use their skills to gain employment.
FirmFoundation’s Day-Drop-in service provides a safe space, food, showers and access to services for single, 18+ individuals at risk of homelessness, homeless and rough sleeping in the Borough of Harrow.
It will be a continuation of “Chat and reconnect” and include educational themes.
The main aim of this project is to help more disabled residents of Harrow to reconnect after being adversely affected by Covid-19. The project was successful and has helped people to re-engage by holding weekly drop-in sessions.
We are a cycling club based in Harrow who have recently launched a Go-Ride club for children. We are currently looking for funding to cover the cost of first aid training for our coaches, new equipment and road bikes for the children.
We want to restart our popular family group in Kenmore Park so isolated and struggling families with pre-school children can get active, learn and make friends. Our two-hour weekly sessions will start with a healthy breakfast followed by a changing weekly programme of physical, creative and educational activities.
Befriending service using experienced, skilled staff and volunteers to make phone
calls, and home visits to our most vulnerable and disadvantaged elderly residents to
relief loneliness and isolation.
Develop healthy African recipes and learn healthy cooking methods.
Provide basic IT learning to gain skills and knowledge to access online services.
We deliver, indoor and outdoor, in two consecutive classes, mobility exercises for the over 60’s followed by qigong exercises for everyone. We limit the mobility class to 30-40 participants for safety and up to 60 for the qigong class. This supports the mental, physical, and spiritual balance of residents.
Our aim is to provide face-face wellbeing training which includes building up resilience, breaking isolation and empowering individuals with skills that will build their confidence. This will be a two part session that will include learning through group discussions and physical activities for 4 hours a week, such as Tai Chi, Yoga or dance.
Soul Kitchen will provide regular nutritious meals and food packages to those in hardship within the Harrow area, through a co-ordinated campaign and distribution service, supporting the disadvantaged, young families, the elderly and refugees. Soul Kitchen provides nutritious meals to those in hardship and need within the Harrow area.
We open our doors to local elderly Harrow residents; providing them with a safe, comfortable, and welcoming social space on Tuesday afternoons to fend off feelings of isolation and loneliness. Creating this warm environment for our older community members encourage social interaction, kindles friendships, and promotes organic emotional support.
More Than Just A Choir provides weekly choral singing and socialising, in-person and online, for adults affected by mental ill-health and social isolation, as well as additional workshops, tuition, and public performances.
Their warm hub is providing: Hot Meals & Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Hot Meals & Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Cultural Talks and Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal and Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal and Social Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Snacks, Hot Meal, Social Activities and Physical Activities
Their warm hub is providing: Physical Activities
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Harrow Health & Wellbeing Fund
Funding for projects and services supporting the health and wellbeing of Harrow residents.
Our aim is to invest in Tai Chi sessions for our members. The sessions aim to provide members with a holistic approach to their wellbeing incorporating wellness for both mind and body.
Blossom Together Walks
Weekly walks co-ordinated by our Blossom Representative. These will take place in a variety of parks across the borough.
Blossom Breastfeeding Peer Support
Paid peer support to be offered to support the regular Breastfeeding Drop-In led by the trained Breastfeeding Peer Supporters.
Antenatal Education
Infant Feeding (Breast and Bottle) at Childrens’ Centres.
We will run three physical events (outdoor fitness festival, indoor health and wellbeing brunch and mental health conference brunch) The project will promote and raise awareness of positive mental health and well-being, including nature-based therapy and outdoor activities that promotes physical activities that improve health.
We will also run a series of mental health, health and bereavement sessions led by community leaders and health practitioners.
EPIC will be collaborating with NOMADs and Harrow College to deliver a 12 week programme with marginalised young people and residents from Harrow to improve their emotional well-being, reduce anxiety through self-expression and learn transferable skills to deal with adversity.
The aim of the project is to promote deaf people’s health and well-being, by reducing social isolation, reaching out to those who have been cut off from the community as result of COVID pandemic which is impacting on their mental health. We would encourage referrals from health and social care colleagues who comes across those deaf people. As Sick of It report, many deaf people may not be known to GP until at the point of crisis. Equally, we are also keen to work with hearing communities, especially families of deaf people where 90% of deaf people are from hearing families to raise awareness about the importance of supporting deaf people, promoting better health and well-being in accessible format to deaf people and their families whose first language is not English but BSL and for hearing members, it is usually in their mother tongue.
Acting up is a weekly drama and performing arts workshop which will bring together people with learning disabilities to take part in inclusive drama activities with the aim of improving mental health and wellbeing and tackling social isolation and loneliness.
“Live Well Age Well”:
1) Health and Wellbeing workshops on evidence-based clinical priorities delivered and facilitated by black doctors and nurses, such as:
*Weight management, healthy eating, Physical activities
*Managing diabetes and hypertension
*Early cancer diagnosis
*Long Covid, Mental Health and social isolation
*Accessing Health services, challenges, and barriers
2) Intergenerational IT learning and public health messaging design workshops
We aim to provide free and low cost 1:1 Counselling and run an emotional support group and provide training to improve resilience, confidence, resourcefulness and their mental wellbeing.
Chai and Chat Wellbeing Café
• Workshops will run on a fortnightly basis for 2.00 hours over 12 sessions
Our aim will be to:
• educate, empower residents to manage their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing
• embed behaviour change and take control to improve health and wellbeing
We aim to provide six 1 hour sessions during six months for those members of the Romanian community who are accessing our food hub to improve their mental health awareness.
We will create:
– a support group for 15- 20 women to tackle social isolation and loneliness through sewing/embroidery activities which will also constitute the ideal setting to communicate and forward information on various issues affecting the community (mental health, well-being, isolation, health etc)
– befriending phone services for Romanians living in Harrow
– monthly online meetings with qualified therapists and psychologists
We will offer Indian dance workshops devised specifically to increase physical activity and enhance the mental well-being of young people aged 5 – 18 years who are Harrow residents and of Indian, Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan ethnicity, especially those affected by Covid-19 and typically who experience social, economic and health inequalities.
The Lunch Club provides free lunch and a weekly meeting place for anyone in our community who wants, or needs, company and a meal. The Club provides important social and mental wellbeing opportunities, through making new friends, joining in with a game, or just enjoying conversation with others.
Domestic Abuse Training in Romanian to Romanian Speaking Victims of Domestic Abuse
Mental health & wellbeing support for adults who have been directly affected by the Ukraine-Russia war.
Mental health training, group support & supervision for staff members who are working with the community.
Harrow Black & Minority Ethnic Engagement & Health Activity Fund
In partnership with Harrow Council and NHS North West London CCG, grants to help improve the health and wellbeing for Harrow’s Black, Minoritised & Marginalised communities.
They will work with the Arab community in Harrow to research and gather intelligence through surveys, focus groups, and interviews on the wider issues regarding access to and quality of healthcare, and put forward recommendations. Once we have done so we can also design effective health activities.
They will run themed monthly events (one online and two physical) with a themed monthly quiz to promote a constructive discussion around these four categories: Mental Health (anxiety, depression, stress and suicide), Special Needs Education (dyslexia, hearing and sight impaired) and Weight Management. Our attendees will also receive a complimentary Mental Health E-Book via email.
They will have 3 areas of engagement with the Ghanaian Community and will undertake 2 activities. Area of engagement will be on 3 diseases that the community is at high risk of getting *Type 2 Diabetes, *Hypertension, *Prostrate Cancer. (Bowl Cancer could also be considered for discussion) The engagement will take the form of interactive group and focus discussions, Q&As, surveys, interviews and phone call or Zoom consultations. Area of activities to be undertaken will be: *Physical Activities (Health walks and Gym exercises) and *Health Speakers to talk during the activities to share best practice.
Weekly focus and mentoring group for focused on depression & anxiety
They will research by weekly questionaires included after food delivery, create focus groups and use participant observation what issues are faced and how to understand more about the particpents relationship with health and then also the services offered.
They will deliver 4 sessions for females over 50 to cook together and also discuss their ongoing health needs and barriers to improving their health as they approach menopause, gain weight and often face additional health issues.
Diabetes Sessions delivered in Gujarati, referring to traditional foods and traditional life style, leading to a better understanding, and control of the condition.
Harrow Social Isolation, Loneliness and Befriending Fund
Grant for activities that offer a culturally appropriate befriending service to support those in self-isolation and loneliness because of Covid and / or support anyone struggling to go out again or leave their home because of Covid or following a period of self-isolation.
Now that restrictions have eased, we have begun organising both online and offline events for individuals to attend.
Expand our weekly activities which inlude knitting, embroidery, painting, board and card games by adding yoga, light excercises and similar sessions by trained personnel.
The project will provide a drop in surgery at the Red Brick Cafe where members of the public can pop along once a week for a chat and get help. Our Changes Nightclub will start again from January 2022.
Our project will provide a weekly telephone support for Harrow resident from the Somali and Arabic community self-isolating as well as a weekly befriending telephone contact for the Somali community.
Weekly group arts sessions for adults with learning disabilities, providing social interaction and friendship alongside learning new skills.
Weekly get-together for up to 50 people vulnerable people in a safe and secure environment to promote a sense of connection and belonging to a community after an extended period of forced isolation. Instructor led physical exercises or yoga or other mood/enhancing, confidence building, cognitive health promoting activities. A well balance cooked meal.
We will increase capacity of our culturally-appropriate Befriending Service to support Harrow residents struggling to go out again or leave their home because of Covid or self-isolation in the long winter-months December to April. We will deliver one-to-one befriending and Befriending Support Groups.
Build on our current services but provide more strategic wrap around work via phone befriending, longer doorstep service, stronger partnerships, and increased ability to take referrals. We know strategic relationship building and trust within the community is key and need to increase our staff hours during the winter to implement this.
Calling and inviting community members for a friendly chat, walks in park and discuss any news or the history of Harrow park or any themes chosen by individuals and the following week a friendly chat around the table for a coffee morning. Knitting or just jokes and storytelling about culture, values ,traditions, and seasonal craft activities.
Our project is “Chair Based Exercise for Seniors” and “Balance & Posture for Seniors”. All classes are low impact and aim to improve participants physical and mental health. All classes off refreshments afterwards with the aim to alleviate loneliness and build relationship amongst elderly folk within our community.
Harrow Covid-19 Awareness Fund
Funding for community organisations and faith institutions to engage Harrow residents in getting vaccinated.
Spreading awareness in the Afghan community, to support people in adhering and following the Government, NHS and health experts’ guidance on how to stay safe and dispel myths about COVID 19 vaccine in order to increase the uptake.
Surveying Afghan community to determine their concerns and questions regarding COVID-19. Offering a multi-language helpline to the community to contact the Covid 19 Awareness Project Manager directly. Creating and sharing videos about vaccines, face masks and proper hygiene in the community language.
Actively convincing members/service users about the efficacy of the vaccines and dissuade them from misinformation they are receiving, by engaging with community in the way they see fit.
Alexz Educational created videos with testimonials encouraging vaccination uptake and posted them on social media, as well as tackling misunderstanding about the benefits of the vaccine on FB, Twitter and Instagram.
Short videos, infographics and speeches from respected members of the community and community leaders debunking the myths about the vaccine and help encourage people to take the vaccine when it is offered via social media. Creation of hard copies for those with accessility issues.
Vaccine safety video and webinars with speakers who have specfic experitise in portraying facts.
A series of Covid-19 Instagram Lives to benefit young people aged 14 to 25 year olds. A series of Covid-19 zoom workshops to benefit young people aged 14 to 25 year olds.
Community infrastructure, creating a video for Romanian communities with Harrow Schools Ambassadors.
Digital filmmaking course giving young people the opportunity to learn about the filmmaking process and to make professional films based on communicating the message about the vaccine.
10-minute film (made up of short scenes) featuring various exciting characters that get to tell their side of the story, help young people make informed decisions about the vaccine.
Challenge the misinformation around the vaccine and support those in the community that are apprehensive towards state-generated initiatives.
Utilising a range of skills in terms of community engagement and health and wellbeing awareness as well as the capacity and local connections to reach our targeted group, and providing the invaluable key role of delivering reassuring messages to the community.
Raising awareness of the Covid-19 vaccination and promoting behaviour by discussion on vaccine health issues, related data and motivating lecture on vaccine health information and spreading helpful message to the Harrow Bengalee Community aiming to their benefit.
Send information and engagement messages via social media, as well as in depth telephone conversations working to resolve any issues with follow up calls and referrals as necessary to colleagues who speak mother tongue, volunteers, other partners such as GPs etc.
Weekly mail out to our representatives as well as TRA leaders (Chairman and other officers) for distribution to all residents on their estate (Council or privately owned) and sheltered block residents. Disseminating Covid-19 information and regulation changes.
Conduct vaccine take up surveys, designing and distributing flyers to local Ghanaian and Afro Caribbean shops, churches and community groups in Harrow and its surrounding areas. A Covid-19 and Vaccine awareness walks will be arranged fortnightly.
Invite expert speakers to encourage vaccination / offer support such as mental health advice to reduce the negative impacts felt during lockdown. Run activities such as quizzes and games e.g. “true or false” to help dispel myths and misinformation around vaccination. Encourage people to follow government guidelines and lower the Covid-19 transmission rate by giving people an opportunity to socialise with others from home. Create easy read materials in different languages to help people with learning disabilities from different communities overcome vaccination myths and look after themselves.
Spread Awareness through social media (Instagram & Tik Tok) with a film and videos targeting the young Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic community.
Create Videos and publish Social Media Posts
Employ young artist to design and create simple leaflets with engaging contents that will be distributed during outreach and online to our Harrow BAME residents. Volunteers will call community members and encourage them to take the Covid vaccines when offered and get tested regularly.
School Covid-19 Awareness include: tackling misinformation, encouraging the uptake of the vaccine, trustees and teachers encourage people to follow Government Guidance, encourage behaviour that lowers Covid-19, reduce the impact on individuals and those around them, aim to achieve the above via Zoom classes.
Make a positive difference in the lives of young BME people from disadvantaged communities by offering opportunities to improve their lifestyles by learning & sporting activities to lead community development through improved health socio-behavioural skills.
Our staff will deliver health and safety advice, encourage young people to go home, and will be an added presence on the streets of Harrow. Creating a short information video for young people containing simple information that will address concerns around the vaccine, including dispelling some of the myths and reinforcing the benefits.
Awareness talks and clinics on how to manage Personal/Mental Health during Covid-19, covering transport costs, posters about COVID guidelines and awareness at Mosque and distributing pamphlets in the hujjat iftaar bags on Covid vaccines /awareness /current rules etc.
Running a video and social media schemes to educate members of the public on the vaccination.
Distribute updated information about the vaccine to our clients. Contact local authorities to find out where clients can be vaccinated, and what they procedures are. Encourage our clients and our volunteers to get vaccinated. Where necessary book appointments at GPs for our clients who would otherwise struggle to make the appointment.
Our communication strategy includes using webinars, leaflets, phone calls, videos on social media, WhatsApp groups, SMS, etc. Medical professionals in the congregation will assist with putting the message out to the community, addressing mis-information and vaccine hesitancy.
Making videos in different languages to dismiss the Covid-19 false information in our community.
Engage with the diverse community of Harrow via our social media platforms of Facebook, twitter, Instagram and YouTube channel, LinkedIn, and ask our volunteers to spread the message via WhatsApp.
Continue the promotion of our Covid 19 vaccination song “RKB – Myths ft. Suzzy” which has received over 20k views on YouTube
We have been hosting webinars, updates and also sending out articles to newspapers and community newsletters. We are in the process of establishing a telephone line.
The children and staff of The Pegasus Partnership Trust to record a series of short videos with a focus on safe COVID behaviours.
Building on the successful health seminars held since March 2020 the association has put together a number of videos promoting take up of the Covid Vaccines in various south Asian languages. These videos are being distributed online to the BAME communities in and around Harrow.
Focusing on the BAME community to raise awareness of the real threat of Covid 19 amongst member of our community, through education via social media platforms, emails and phone calls to create awareness of the importance of complying with government Covid-19 protocols to save lives, stop the spread of the virus and protect the NHS.
Provide our community with a secure and trusted source of information and promote the importance of getting the vaccine.
Our awareness project is aiming to support the Romanian Community in Harrow by providing clear and accurate information about the vaccine. We will create video content to be distributed on social media networks, so we can reach as many people from the community as possible.
Workshop with a Romanian medical expert explaining the vaccine, streamed on Social Media.and a workshop with members of community who have taken the vaccine with an aim to demystify and encourage.
Encouraging minority communities to take covid vaccine, follow governement guidelines, and advice them to ignot misinformation being spread.
Printing leaflets in different languages with message that the vaccination is now available and a specific message that the vaccination does not have any animal product & is approved by Medical Health authority in the UK.
Providing support, encouragement, education to dispel misinformation, myths and mistrust regarding the vaccines and the process of vaccination.
Continuously giving the right messages in our congregational Friday prayers and other online programmes.
Encouraging St Luke’s local BAME community to take up the offer of the Covid 19 vaccination programme, to follow Government guidance e.g. through regular infection control bulletins, social media messaging., and communicating with Community Leaders from our local BAME community through engagement activities.
Improving the communication channels and engagement with the community. This will enable us to share information from the Government and Harrow Council to dispel myths and alleviate fears around Covid-19, encourage the uptake of the vaccine and encourage behaviour which lowers Covid-19 rates and reduces the impact on individuals and those around them.
Running community events to share Covid awareness messages.
Working with youth groups to share covid awarness messages.
Alleviate the misinformation around the C19 and the vaccine within the Tamil Community by running seminars, promoting safety and making videos.
Reach out through our website, facebook, WhatsApp, video conference and e-mail though frequent interaction.
National Lottery Communities Fund
Harrow Giving was one of the expertly-placed funding programmes in London The National Lottery Community Fund worked alongside to ensure National Lottery funding was delivered to communities most vulnerable to the impact of COVID-19.
This formed part of The National Lottery Community Fund’s wider COVID-19 emergency response and meant it will benefit from the local expertise of the funders, prioritising smaller voluntary sector groups that may require support with capacity and infrastructure to apply for funding.
The funding will be used to provide activities for young people for the next six months on external activity providers, equipment and materials to support face to face and virtual activities and for the costs of hiring a hall for indoor face to face activities. A programme of activities will be designed to help the young people to interact with each other, to gain a sense of achievement and be physically active.
Age UK HHB will run Call Chat, Care which links volunteers to older people who are seeking weekly phone calls during this period of increased isolation. The service users the opportunity to move to a time-defined one to one support service encouraging the older person to be an active participant in identifying and achieving specific goals that will reconnect them to community based social activity.
Aspire will use the funding to provide 26 fully accessible virtual classes a week run from the Aspire Leisure Centre via a zoom link.
Classes will be open to all, including physical, sensory and learning-disabled people, black and ethnic minority communities, older people, young people and anyone else who would like to join. There will be regular seated classes for those that can’t manage full standing classes, and a choice of Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Seated Tai chi, Seated Dance, Body Conditioning and Stretch Tone and relaxation classes.
Carramea, with 2 partners (WEA and Aratrust), will open an Unemployed Workers Centre (UWC).
The Centre for ADHD & Autism Support will employ a Family Support Worker who will offer specialist ADHD and Autism knowledge and support parents and carers of children with a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of ADHD or Autism.
EKTA will support Mental Health Service Users from South Asian communities through a digital inclusion project including how to use the digital devices, learn to use various social platforms and be digital savvy.
Every Person is Capable will deliver four differently themed online skill sharing and well-being workshops. They will focus the project on black & minority ethnic communities, carers and young people (+16) with the aim to build social interaction and improve mental as well as physical wellbeing.
With the funding from ‘Harrow Giving’, Harrow Bengalee Association will run the following sessions:
- Yoga with Meditation
- Vocal Music Class
- Performing Arts classes for 6- 20 year old
- Specialists in the Family Forum.
Harrow Cycle Hub will train women as cycle ride leaders, teach women to cycle and lead cycle rides around Harrow.
Harrow Steel will continue their successful group Harrow Steel aimes at ages 14 – 21, and start a new community steel band for young disadvantaged students ages 11-14 and to run holiday workshops.
Film Skool Deluxe to offer a 3 month digital filmmaking course for young people from mainly from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities and low income backgrounds, giving them the opportunity to learn about the filmmaking process and gain valuable practical filmmaking skills.
Fresh Horizons CNB will provide support and accommodation following street homelessness. During their stay each resident will be prepared for independent living and assistance with finding permanent accommodation.
Herts Inclusive Theatre will provide creative, social, and learning activities for adults (aged 18+) who are residents of Harrow and have a learning disability.
Kids Can Achieve support children and young people with disabilities and their families. They provide After School and Saturday Clubs, Holiday Play Schemes and Outreach support for children with disabilities.
l skills development to Harrow residents most affected by the pandemic, with a particular focus on Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic communities and young people aged 18 to 25. The goal is to create self-employment through new businesses and jobs and provide a positive outcome for those most affected by the pandemic.
The funding will part fund 2 programmes in Harrow that break the isolation and the despair experienced by people with visual impairments. The first is a Rapid Response Counselling Service that visits people in their homes at the point of crisis, when they first lose their sight, or when they have received a sight loss diagnosis. The second programme is a Home Visiting Service which looks after people who may have adjusted to their sight loss emotionally, but who need social connection in order to break their isolation and physical assistance in managing their lives.
My Yard provides ongoing food suited to their cultural and dietary needs.
Need To Talk provides a multilingual counselling service that specialises in supporting vulnerable individuals by offering free or low cost counselling.
Providing support to the Romanian community through providing food parcels.
As soon as the pandemic allows, North Harrow Community Library will go back to providing Yoga, meditation and for diabetes advice and support from Central London Community Health, and provide the older children opportunities to volunteer as part of their Duke of Edinburgh awards.
The funding will be used to run workshops to help young people from Black Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in Harrow who are unemployed and are at risk of becoming involved in crime, or recently released from prison by bringing them together, building their confidence, giving them a new focus point through filmmaking and most importantly helping them to come out of the lockdown.
SCEA will use the funds to recruit a supplementary English and science teacher to help children attain positive results for their GCSE and year targets.
Soul Kitchen will provide food parcels delivered direct to doorsteps, a dedicated phone line to help provide moral support and a friendly ear to listen to concerns, provide conversations, help eliminate loneliness and social anxiety. We will offer regular support to families and have multilingual volunteers who will assist those from black & minority ethnic backgrounds too and cater to their diverse needs.
The Breaking Bread Trust will continue to deliver nutritious freshly prepared hot meals food packs/parcels as well as develop additional services to support the Harrow Community.
The Fitness Community will provide free personal fitness training to Harrow residents with mental health problems, particularly targeting those on means tested benefits.
Wealdstone Methodist Church will organise Technology Classes to teach online skills to elderly and vulnerable people in Harrow.
The Work Rights Centre will use this funding to support the people of Harrow with free, confidential employment rights and welfare advice.
The multilingual team of advisers will provide in-depth advice and casework. We want to help people whose livelihoods have been plunged into uncertainty to rebuild their finances, their sense of security, and their self-esteem.
Watford FC will run a girls-only Youth Club, combining youth activities with mental health themed conversations.
Covid 19 Emergency (Round 2) Fund
A joint fund created from public donations through the Harrow Coronavirus Community Fund and Harrow Council.
The grant will enable the charity to retain the current part time Advice Workers and a pool of 7 volunteers to deliver the following services: Advice, befriending and a covid wellbeing service.
Capable Communities will make weekly telephone and/or Zoom contact check and befriending meetings for lonely, depressed and isolated clients, who have been referred by social services and are either suffering from loneliness and depression and prevented from going out or contacting others because they have been asked (or are choosing) to self isolate in response to the Coronavirus situation.
The funding will be used to provide culturally sensitive counselling support to the community, particularly the socially disadvantaged, BAME groups unable to access support in the mainstream due to lack of provision for their culturally and linguistically specific needs.
The funding will be used to provide invaluable support, addressing the long-term impact, and education for women and young people who have experienced Domestic Abuse, through our therapeutic groups and individual therapeutic support.
The funding will be used to run twelve stand-up comedy training sessions called it Stand-up on Zoom (SOZ) for Young People. The programme will also include comedy acting, comedy writing and improvisation.
The grant will fund Zoom Chair based Pilates class aimed at less mobile, older Harrow adults. This project is for all in the local community. It will also offer women only mat based online Pilates Class aimed at Harrow women who may not be able to get out of the house and who perhaps wouldn’t be able to afford to attend a Pilates class.
Harrow Association of Somali Voluntary Services (HASVO) will engage and support young people and their families and vulnerable adults. They will map out the needs and try to signpost to available services and sources of additional support where appropriate, while also providing an ongoing point of contact and support to those requiring ongoing support.
Harrow Carers are proactively contacting vulnerable and isolated carers and their families in Harrow to check on their wellbeing and offer them advice, information and practical support, respond to requests for help and provide electronic information. They are assisting carers with emergency support plans and emergency Carers Emergency Support Service cards to help them plan and access the support they need.
Harrow Foodbank will provide food parcels to individuals experiencing financial hardship.
Harrow Law Centre will provide legal advice and representation to those affected by COVID-19 crisis. Despite the Government announcement on a ban of evictions. The Law Centre is still receiving calls from people who are being threatened with eviction. Equally the problems of the benefit system have increased both because of its general inadequacy but also the increased demand.
Herts Inclusive Theatre (HIT) are offering online activities for adults with learning disabilities. This includes; drama and arts, and a session that focuses on yoga, movement and mindfulness.
The funding will help set up a Training Academy for the people in Harrow in January. London’s Community Kitchen will continue its work post pandemic as a Food Hub in Harrow receiving and redistributing food supplies to local residents and other areas of London using its service delivery to provide volunteering and work experience opportunities for those who request it but also striving to encompass a holistic approach of not only feeding those in poverty or ‘Just About Managing’; by assuaging a physical need, but also tackling mental wellbeing by improving social integration.
Mind in Harrow will offer a Covid-19 befriending service called ‘Side by Side’ and will offer support specifically adapted to vulnerable residents whose mental health is being negatively impacted by prolonged isolation and have no other support networks – for example experiencing increased anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive behaviours, unhealthy coping strategies, relationship stresses.
My Yard is providing food and essential supplies to families living on the Grange Estate and the surrounding areas. They are coordinating generous offers from local businesses and other charity partners using a team of volunteers and bringing communities together to support each other.
Need To Talk provides a multilingual counselling service that specialises in supporting vulnerable individuals by offering free or low cost counselling. Services are designed considering the specific needs of the Harrow community. We recruit counsellors with the community languages where we have demand from residents, as such our team consists of counsellors who are often bilingual and are from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds.
NIDA, along with 8 other partnering organisations will continue to provide various support to the elderly, vulnerable as well as key workers.
Romanian Culture Charity Together (RCCT) are running a food bank in Edgware. The aim is to create a pathway to services for the East European communities, through the food bank.
The funding will enable the centre to continue to provide a food service to those most in need in the community.
St Michaels and All Angels will continue their Chair Based Exercise class which was originally in the building, but has now been moved to Zoom.
This funding will fund one-to-one creative projects (6 sessions) with young people who are at risk of offending and 2 group projects with young people exploring county lines. The sessions will be delivered online by a lead artist, supported by an ex-prisoner facilitator who is able to engage the young people effectively and communicate with them about the mistakes they made that led them to prison and other pressures that they have experienced.
WISH are continuing to provide support for young people in Harrow who self harm, feel suicidal or depressed, and may be living with domestic or sexual exploitation. Right now, many young people in Harrow with mental health issues or who experience domestic violence or child sexual exploitation (CSE) are particularly at risk from struggling with social isolation as a result of Coronavirus.
Bereavement Fund
A joint fund created from public donations through the Harrow Coronavirus Community Fund and Harrow Council.
DAWN will be providing a bereavement counselling service available in several community languages. The beneficiaries will mainly be economically marginalised, hard to reach women’s groups unable to pay for counselling. Visit their website here.
EACH Counselling Service provides bereavement counselling and emotional support service for both individuals and families delivered in community languages. View more here.
Harrow Central Mosque is providing bereavement support to the community. Read more here.
Information, Advice & Befriending Fund
A joint fund created from public donations through the Harrow Coronavirus Community Fund and Harrow Council.
Capable Communities will make weekly telephone and/or Zoom contact check and befriending meetings for lonely, depressed and isolated clients referred by social services. Who are suffering from loneliness, depression and prevented from going out or contacting others because they have (or are choosing) to self isolate in response to the Coronavirus situation. Find out more here.
Harrow Association of Disabled People will be providing a free Welfare Benefits service. Visit their website here.
Harrow Association of Somali Voluntary Services (HASVO) will engage and support young people and their families and vulnerable adults. They will map out the needs and try to signpost to available services and sources of additional support where appropriate while also providing an ongoing point of contact and support to those requiring ongoing support. Find out more here.
Harrow Carers are proactively contacting vulnerable and isolated carers and their families in Harrow to check on their wellbeing and offer them advice, information and practical support, respond to requests for help and provide electronic information. They assist carers with emergency support plans and emergency Carers Emergency Support Service cards to help them plan and access the support they need. Find out more here.
Harrow Mosque has developed a telephone befriending service ensuring those most impacted by the lockdown can get support through personal human interaction to provide mental and emotional wellbeing. Visit their website here.
Harrow Law Centre will provide legal advice and representation to those affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the Government announcement of a ban on evictions. The Law Centre is still receiving calls from people who are threatened with eviction. Equally, the benefits system’s problems have increased because of its general inadequacy and the increased demand. Find out more here.
Homestart Barnet & Harrow will support families with young children who have experienced a significant decline in their health and social wellbeing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing rules.
By using befriending volunteers, they will provide remote telephone and online support to families to reduce their stress and anxiety levels and alleviate the material hardship they may be experiencing. Find out more here.
Hope will deliver One to One Parent mentoring to families in crisis and or where vulnerable children reside delivered on the telephone, via Face-Time, or Skype depending on the mentors and parent’s preference. Visit their website here.
Mind in Harrow will offer a Covid-19 befriending service called ‘Side by Side’ will provide support specifically adapted to vulnerable residents whose mental health is being negatively impacted by prolonged isolation and have no other support networks, such as increased anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive behaviours, unhealthy coping strategies, and relationship stresses. Read more here.
St. Lukes Hospice will provide information, advice, and befriending information to our community’s most vulnerable members, end of life patients and their carers in Harrow and patients in the Borough (regardless of their illness) who have been discharged from hospitals with Covid 19. Visit their website here.
The Afghan Association of London (Harrow) will provide comprehensive advice, information and befriending services to the Afghan community on a wide range of issues related to the Coronavirus epidemic crisis. Find out more here.
The Disability Foundation is developing a Wellbeing Hub, which will deliver its services in a new capacity, including Therapists to provide remote and distant therapies such as reiki and craniosacral therapy, meditation and face down therapies such as reflexology and aromatherapy. Read more here.
WISH are continuing to support young people in Harrow who self-harm, feel suicidal or depressed, and maybe living with domestic or sexual exploitation. Right now, many young people in Harrow with mental health issues or who experience domestic violence or child sexual exploitation (CSE) are particularly at risk from struggling with social isolation as a result of Coronavirus. Find out more here.
Edward Harvist Trust Fund
Edward Harvist Trust provides relief & support for needy inhabitants of London borough of Barnet, Brent, Camden, Harrow and the city of Westminster
The 8th/19th Harrow Scouts have been provided with funding for IT equipment to ensure their volunteer leaders can continue to offer remote scouting activities to their members. Find out more here.
This will fund two laptops to help provide quality online Scouting during the Covid crisis. The laptops will allow leaders to run high quality Zoom Scout meetings as restrictions change with the crisis. The laptops will also see use at events and weekly meetings to help plan the programme and track attendance and badge work.
Alridha Foundation will purchase four laptops to deliver our services differently to students who attend the supplementary school. Find out more here.
AQ Arts CIC will purchase a new laptop to continue our current projects, including; online dance, music, poetry, fitness and wellness classes via zoom. As well as running youth and mentoring projects online. Find out more here.
Arts for Life will purchase laptops that will enable project staff to go out into the community, support our vulnerable and need project users within their home location, and allow them to run virtual group sessions. Find out more here.
Bereavement Care have received funding to buy IT equipment and a Zoom subscription to train additional bereavement counsellors. Visit their website here.
EKTA of Harrow will purchase foldable chairs and PPE to enable small groups of members to meet regularly in local parks whilst ensuring they meet government guidance on social distancing.
Every Person is Capable will purchase a Laptop, a PA system, 2 Turntables and one mixer. EPIC Expression will be running weekly workshops with young people on developing their skills on how to DJ, Breakdance and Rap. Visit their website here.
Greater London Youth Foundation has been funded to access Zoom to run their debating club for young people remotely. Read more here.
HAD will use the funding to pay for the materials/items needed to make Red Brick Café safe for reopening. Find out more here.
Harrow Association of Somali Voluntary Organisations (HASVO) has received funding to buy laptops for use by volunteers and staff to provide remote information, advice, and befriending services. View more here.
Harrow Carers have been provided with funding to purchase IT equipment to help the people of Harrow by enabling staff to work better from home to provide services, support and advice to carers who are disadvantaged inhabitants of the London Borough of Harrow. Visit their website here.
Harrow Cycle Hub will train women as cycle ride leaders, teach women to cycle and lead cycle rides around Harrow.
Harrow Law Centre has been provided with funding for IT equipment to continue providing advice and representation to Harrow residents in welfare benefits, immigration, housing, public law, education, and victims of crime. In response to COVID-19, we provide a largely remote service with staff operating from home other than for essential face to face services. Read more here.
Harrow MS Therapy Centre has been awarded funding for PPE, sanitising spray, an additional sink and a washing machine to enable them to reopen. Find out more here.
Kids Can Achieve will purchase 2 laptops for our Family Support Workers to continue to work throughout the COVID-19 crisis supporting families in need in Harrow. Find out more here.
NIDA, along with 8 other partnering organisations will continue to provide various support to the elderly, vulnerable as well as key workers.
North Harrow Community Library has received funding to purchase PPE, cleaning products and shields to enable them to reopen safely. Read more here.
RCCG House of Joy for All Nations will purchase a sensory room to create a high level of comfort and ease for children with autism to enhance their productivity and ability to engage effectively with their environment whilst maintaining social distancing. Read more here.
Somali Cultural & Education Association has been funded to buy laptops to enable their volunteers to provide online lessons and loan to young people without access.
South Harrow Christian Fellowship have received funding to buy additional equipment for their youth group. Find out more here.
The WISH Centre has been granted funding for IT equipment to support disadvantaged young people in Harrow who are experiencing mental distress. They have successfully adapted our response to provide a range of digital services. Find out more here.
Emergency Response to COVID-19 Fund
A joint fund created from public donations through the Harrow Coronavirus Community Fund and Harrow Council.
Harrow Carers help deliver food, medicine and practical help to people in Harrow who are self-isolating and isolated due to their caring roles. They are working with over 500 carers and have mobilised a team of volunteers. View more here.
Harrow Central Mosque runs Helping Hands support service to help meet the critical and urgent needs of the most vulnerable and needy people within the Borough. The funding will help continue providing food shopping and medicine collection service for many people across Harrow. We are providing hot cooked meals to those registered highly vulnerable and delivering emergency food parcels, and, in some instances providing an emergency top-up on utilities. View more here.
Harrow Community Transport has provided a vital service of collecting large quantities of food from supplies and taking this to our hubs for distribution. They are also delivering over 84 food packages to residents in need per day and are expecting this to increase. The funding covers their costs to provide this essential service. Find out more here.
Harrow Foodbank will provide food parcels to individuals experiencing financial hardship. Visit their website here.
Funding has set up a borough-wide response to the food crisis many residents are facing. Funding has gone towards:
– creating Help Harrow a central place where residents can request food as well as advice from our voluntary sector partners
– a mobile fridge and insulated food boxes
– additional food using the Harrow School suppliers portal to reduce costs. Also, Harrow School are donating £1,000 of food and supplies each week to our local community hubs.
Herts Inclusive Theatre (HIT) offers online activities for adults with learning disabilities, including; drama and arts, and a session that focuses on yoga, movement and mindfulness. View more here.
Homestart Barnet and Harrow will source and deliver educational toys and resources to many vulnerable families in Harrow. Visit their website here.
A joint initiative from four Harrow Islamic Centres; Khoja Shia Ithnaansheri Muslim Community of London, Harrow Central Mosque, Srilankan Muslim Cultural centre and Shia Ithna’ashri Community Of Middlesex. They purchase 150 Oximeters, distributed using a volunteer network, collection and sterilisation; this is in addition to the 100 that had already been fundraised for.
The Oximeters will enable Harrow residents to measure their oxygen level and provide this information to a GP or 111. Find out more here.
Kids Can Achieve we support children and young people with learning disabilities and their families. They are providing support for vulnerable children and families who rely on their vital support. Visit our website here.
My Yard provides food and essential supplies to families living on the Grange Estate and the surrounding areas. They are co-ordinating generous offers from local businesses and other charity partners using a team of volunteers and bringing communities together to support each other. Visit their website here.
Need to Talk are providing low cost and free counselling services to very vulnerable groups in Harrow and will include; mental health issues, loneliness/isolation; suicidal ideations, anger, loss and bereavement, Different forms of abuse or trauma/ PTSD. Find out more here.
Romanian Culture Charity Together (RCCT) is running a food bank in Edgware. The aim is to create a pathway to services for the East European communities through the food bank. View more here.
Roxeth Community Church is one of the hubs providing volunteers to receive, sort and deliver food packages. Funding provided to ensure their volunteers have access to PPE, cleaning and packing materials, and supplementing the food parcels. Find out more here.
Sri Lankan Muslim Cultural Centre is another hub for providing volunteers to receive, sort and deliver food packages. Funding provided to ensure their volunteers have access to PPE, cleaning and packing materials, and supplementing the food parcels. Visit their website here.
Funding for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Hospice front line staff, including masks, gloves, aprons, sanitiser. Find out more here.
Synergy Theatre Project will be running creative Spoken Word projects for young people in Harrow who are at risk of offending. They’ll explore issues of online safety and the parallels between imprisonment and lockdown, all delivered via online mediums and facilitated by professional artists and supported by ex-prisoners. Visit their website here.