Inspirational Stories
To help you understand more about the diverse range of organisations Harrow Giving funds, here are a selection of stories from our grantees.

Cause to celebrate: British Sign Language combats social isolation
Harrow and Brent United Deaf Club have been running a [...]

It is the friendships that have been the real point
In September 2022, Herts Inclusive Theatre (HIT) produced a free [...]
I feel mentally happier
EKTA in Harrow is a small community group formed by [...]
Bringing people together with song
Since being founded in 2009 More Than Just A Choir [...]
Community and Connection at Changes Nightclub
Harrow Association of Disabled People reopened Changes Night club in [...]

Playing an important role as a community hub across all ages
North Harrow Community Library provided important community services by allowing [...]

Building fitness and friendships to keep loneliness at bay.
A successful local project that was bringing friendship and improved [...]
Finding connection in a time of isolation
The winter months can be hard for many, and with [...]
100% made my mental health so much better
FitMind is a non-profit organisation providing specialist personal training to [...]
Befriending a Community.
The Harrow Ghanaian Association (HARGA) has shared how they have used [...]
A warm welcome to Harrow
A partnership or local organisations have come together along with [...]
A chance to interact with people
EKTA in Harrow is a small community group formed by [...]