Using our logo

Information for charities and community groups funded by Harrow Giving

Acknowledging our support

Acknowledging our support helps to show Harrow Giving’s reach and impact, which should help us raise more money in the future!

All funded groups

(Stories of Harrow projects should also read guidance from Heritage Fund below)

Please use the Harrow Giving logo on your website and on any printed materials or graphics where it is appropriate to acknowledge our grant.

Be careful not to stretch or distort the logo, or crowd it with text or other images. We do not specify how large the logo needs to be, but please make sure it is readable. If used digitally, you can link the logo to

You could use the wording, ‘Funded by Harrow Giving’ or  ‘Supported by Harrow Giving’.

Please do not use our logo alongside any project or work we have not supported.

Below are two versions of our logo you can download to use:
(Right click on the images, and select download or save image)

Harrow Giving
Harrow Giving logo (tall)

Harrow Giving wide
Harrow Giving logo (wide)

Social Media

We use three social media platforms

It is not a requirement of your grant to have a social media account, but if you do have one please….

  • Follow/subscribe to Harrow Giving
  • Like, share and comment on relevant posts
  • Tag us in posts about the work we support – or about anything you’d like our help to promote.

We can support each other by liking and commenting on posts – it really encourages social media platform algorithms to show the posts to more people.

Stories of Harrow Projects

The National Lottery Heritage Fund require that all funded groups acknowledge their support in all materials relating to the project. This includes digital, print and press. Harrow Giving will help with this as much as possible, but please add an acknowledgement to any web pages or materials relating to Stories of Harrow, and mention the National Lottery Heritage Fund if you are interviewed by the press. (NB: They are now known as the ‘National Lottery Heritage Fund, not the Heritage Lottery Fund)

The Heritage Fund stamp (below) is their preferred way for groups to do this.
It must not be shown any smaller than the minimum sizes of 51mm diameter (print) and 198px diameter (screen) and must only be reproduced in black, white or teal.

Full guidance on acknowledging Heritage Fund support is available on their website.

If useful to do so, you can display the Harrow Giving and Heritage Fund logos alongside each other, and use the text ‘Thanks to National Lottery players and Harrow Giving’

If you have any questions, or need help, please email