Small charity week

Matching donors with good causes

Are you a trust, company or individual who wishes to make a difference in Harrow?

Harrow Giving acts as a broker between large funders, trust funds and individuals and the small community groups we support. 

We know that grassroots organisations have a huge impact in the most vulnerable parts of our community. They have both the reach and the insight that larger organisations simply cannot achieve. Yet because they are small, and often representative of the communities they serve, they may struggle raising funds or communicating the value of what they do.

Harrow Giving helps to bridge that gap.

Are you looking to make a donation to our Community Fund instead?

Why choose to donate via Harrow Giving?

We have unparalleled reach within Harrow

We can reach grassroots community groups because applying for a grant from Harrow Giving is really simple, our guidance is clear and appropriate and we work with Voluntary Action Harrow, who support groups with training and 1:1 guidance if they need it.

Our community panels make sure grants are awarded fairly

First, we undertake background checks to ensure that organisations meet our criteria and are well run; we check their legal status, their finances, track record and governance. Then our grant panels, which often include community representatives, assess the applications.

We amplify the great work our funded groups are doing

We build pride in our borough and increase support for community groups by telling the great stories of the work they have been doing. We gather together their expertise on topics such as health and social exclusion and use that to lobby public bodies for change. Every month – often every week – we are in meetings with Harrow Council, the NHS and other policy makers, representing the community groups we support and making sure their experiences are heard. 

Ready to make a difference?

Here’s how our brokerage service works

Groups after training in community photography

Delivering increased impact

We can help you to increase the impact of your donation

We can identify the most pressing issues in Harrow, reach out to the groups tackling them, manage the process of awarding grants and assess their impact. Since 2020, we have funded over 120 organisations and given out over £2.2 million in grants.

HAD Changes nightclub

Helping you to reach the causes you care about

You might have something already in mind you would like to fund.

Harrow Giving has unparalleled reach within Harrow. We are in touch with over 400 community groups tackling everything from food poverty and responding to crisis situations, improving the health of vulnerable people to enhancing nature or encouraging the arts. Our Stories of Harrow project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund is looking to preserve and celebrate the heritage of marginalised communities. 

Tailored grant schemes to meet your needs

Get in touch to discuss how we can work together to meet your goals.

Involving donors, your members or employees

Talk to us about what you’d like to do – If you would like to take a more hands-on approach, there are lots of ways for you, or your members or employees to get involved…

  • Join a grants panel

  • Volunteer with groups

  • Invite us along to your events – we are happy to give presentations and provide films of your donations in action

  • Fundraise to add more money for your fund – from 10k races to sponsored silences – we can help you to plan.